Stats |
The "Stats Calculator"!
Automatically calculate your GAA and SV%!
How to calculate your own stats
GAA = GmMins * GA/MinsPlayed Multiply the number of minutes in a game by the number of goals you allowed, and divide that number by the number of minutes you played. For example--If your games are 60 minutes long, you had let in 8 goals, and you had played 124 minutes, the formula would translate to 60 *(times) 8 /(divided by) 124 = 3.87. GAA is always calculated to the hundredths decimal place (2 decimal places) and rounded off.
SV% = 1 - (GA/Shots) OR (Shots-GA)/Shots Divide the number of goals you allowed by the number of shots you faced, then subtract that number from one. OR, subtract goals allowed from shots faced (that'll give you the number of saves you had), and divide by shots. So, if you faced 30 shots, and allowed 2 goals, the problem would be 1 -(minus) (2/30) OR (30 - 2)/30 = .933 Both ways work. I prefer the second method, but the first method was the one given in an NHL stats book. Save percentage is almost always shown in decimal form (.933) rather than percent form (93.3%), and is shown to three decimal places.
Common Hockey Abbreviations
This can be tricky, since some abbreviations have different translations depending on their useage and what they're measuring. The best way to determine which meaning it's referring to is to check the context in which it's used.
A - Assists.
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An assist is a pass made prior to a goal. Up to two assists may be awarded per goal. |
EN - Empty-netters.
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Any goal scored when the goalie has been pulled for an extra attacker. Does not include goals where the goaltender was out of position (i.e. playing the puck, skating out of the net.) |
G - Goals.
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Number of goals scored by that player. Occasionally used in place of GF as a team measurement. |
GA - Goals against.
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Goals allowed (scored by an opposing team), either by a single goaltender or by a team. |
GAA - Goals Against Average.
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The average number of goals allowed per game by a goaltender. See above. |
GF - Goals for.
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Total goals scored by a team. Used almost exclusively for team standings. |
GP - Games played.
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Number of games played by that player, goalie or team. |
Mins or Mins Played - Total amount of minutes played.
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Total minutes played by that player, goalie or team. |
PIM - Penalties in minutes.
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Total number of penalties taken, in minutes. (A two-minute minor penalty would appear as "2.") |
PPG - Points per game. Power play goal.
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When used as a players statistic, PPG usually stands for "points per game," which measures how many points that player scored per game, on average. (If a player scored 1 goal and playe 2 games, his PPG would be 0.5--1 goal divided by 2 games played.) |
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When used as a team statistic, PPG stands for "power play goal," indicating how many goals were scored by that team while on a power play. |
Pts - Points.
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When used in reference to a player's points, they equal goals plus assists. |
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When meaning team points, it is used to determine a team's standing in a league. They are calculated by assigning each win 2 points, each tie 1 point, each loss 0 points, and adding them all up. For example: a team with 2 wins, 1 loss and 1 tie would have (2 times 2 = 4, + 1 times 0 = 0, + 1 times 1 = 1) 4 + 0 + 1 = 5 points. |
Saves - When a goalie blocks the puck and prevents it from entering the net. It only counts as a save it the puck would have entered the net, had the goalie not interfered. Shots wide of the net don't count.
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Calculated as total shots minus goals. |
SHG - Short-handed goals.
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A goal scored by a penalized team while they are playing short-handed (one or more men short). Usually used as a team measurement, but can be for individual players as well. When both teams are penalized and play is 4 on 4 (or 3 on 3 in roller hockey) a goal scored is not considered short-handed, since both teams are equal strength. |
Shots - Total amount of shots on net.
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As in saves, a shot is only counted when the puck goes into the net, or would have gone in had it not been blocked. Any shot that misses the net is not counted here. |
SO - shutout.
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When a goalie does not allow any goals in a game. |
SV% - Save Percentage.
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The percentage of shots on net that the goalie saved. See above. |
Team Record - Shown as W-L-T (for example 5-2-1).
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Team win-loss-tie records are often shown separated only by dashes, in the order indicated. If a team has 5 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie, it would be displayed as 5-2-1, as above. This thoroughly confused me when I first started following hockey. |
+/- - Plus/minus rating.
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Primarily a defensive rating. Each goal scored for a player's team while he is playing (actually out on the rink!) counts as a plus, and each goal scored against his team while he is playing counts as a minus. The numbers are totaled, and he is left with a positive or negative number (unless it's 0). Defensemen are difficult to rate, since they score very little, and this is the best rating device available for them. A player with a high, positive rating probably either scores a lot, plays on a good line, or provides valuable defensive coverage. |